Search & Analytics

Both of these are considered mission critical to the success of any web-site that’s meant to have a positive impact on business goals. Visibility on SERP’s(Search Results Pages) is determined by many factors that we check off as we build your site. Of course no one is going to be able to guarantee 100% results in every case, however, we found that adhering to a few best practices and implementing a little strategy can deliver higher visibility, resulting in more traffic and higher conversions.

Speaking of conversions, using analytics you’re able to define quantitative and qualitative measurements which can help you discover insights about your audience, empowering you to target your efforts toward your business goals, whatever those may be. When you use analytics for your web-site, you’ll be able to find ways to increase your site’s conversion rate by making data- driven, informed decisions for your marketing efforts and by measuring, then adjusting where and how those efforts are applied.

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